JUDICIARY Latest Features

Law School of Tanzania Pays Courtesy Call on CJ
Hon. Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny - Dollo (3rd Left) with the Tanzanian delegation at the Judiciary Headquarters

A delegation of three officials from the Law School of Tanzania led by the Principal Justice Dr Benhajj Masoud, paid a courtesy call on the Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny - Dollo. 

The delegation is in the country on a bench marking visit to the Law Development Centre (LDC). The purpose is to share experiences, best practices, challenges faced in legal education and how students can be skilled on how to practice in any of the East African countries and beyond.

The meeting was attended by the LDC Director, Mr. Frank Nigel Othembi, Ms Nancy Masendi (LDC Legal Officer) and HW Peter Lochomin(Personal Assistant to Chief Justice).

Hon. Justice Dr Benhajj expressed gratitude to the Chief Justice for taking time off his busy schedule to meet with the Tanzanian team.

Posted 17th, February 2022
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